Company introduction

Business status

Full line order receiving
라인전체 수주 테이블
Classification Business premise Place of use Order period Shinhyung applied process Automation level Status
conglomerates S Xian China Module
July 2018 Bolt fixing machine, busbar welding machine, Ultrasonic wave welding machine, E/P welding machine Semi auto In operation.
Ulsan Module
September 2018 Bolt fixing machine, busbar welding machine, Ultrasonic wave welding machine, E/P welding machine Semi auto In operation.
Hungary Module
January 2020 Stack and packaging automation Fully
In operation.
SIbattery Gwangju Pack
February 2021 The entire process from cell input to packaging Fully automatic
In operation.
November 2021 The entire process from cell input to packaging Fully automatic
In operation.
Single acting facility unit order receiving
라인전체 수주 테이블
Classification Business premise Place of use Order period Shinhyung applied process Automation level Status
conglomerates S Ulsan Pack
February 2019 Fully automated process
(Except for plastic welding/laser EOL)
Fully automatic
In operation.
Hungary Pack
March 2019 Fully automated process Fully automatic
In operation.
Hungary Module
July 2020 Fully automated process
(Except for EOL, vision testers)
Fully automatic
In operation.
Hungary Module
May 2020 Entire processes from cell injection to packaging Fully automatic
In operation.
Ulsan Module
(6,7,8 line)
January 2021 Entire processes from module injection to packaging Fully automatic
In operation.
Hungary Pack
April 2021 Entire processes from module injection to packaging Fully automatic
In operation.